Friday, November 4, 2011


writing my blog again. It's been two years since we've moved to Florida and I honestly can't imagine living anywhere else. The house we live in is the oldest in our little area and outside of the drafty windows and doors, it's a home that has enveloped us in warmth.

I'm looking out of my little office window this morning and can see the neat, compact rows of the orange grove across the street. While I was outside earlier I had to take a photo of the sprawling tree with the Spanish moss draped so delicately from it's branches. The sun was just peeking its head through the lacy moss and the sight made me smile. I'm not much of a photographer, but I hope I captured some of the beauty that made me stop in the first place.

We began raising chickens again. It's been over 10 years since we had a place that we could do this again and so far so good. There have been a couple of hick ups, so to speak, but all in all it is a very rewarding experience. There are eight hens all together and they have been laying about 4-5 eggs a day. As the weather turns cooler we think the laying will increase. Skip changed the food about a month ago and it seems to be making for heavier hens and strong shelled eggs. They are a lively bunch of girls. Here are just a couple of the girls.

I started the "Chixs with Stixs" group at church too. The intent is to teach whomever wants to learn, how to knit. I have opened the group up to all needle crafting this year and even offered to teach any man who would like to learn how to knit. My first group met this last Wednesday at church. I had five beautiful, talented ladies show up and while we were only going to meet for an hour, the session lasted two! They all showed an eagerness to learn and were up to the challenge of learning something new. It's wonderful to see the art of knitting passed on to others. I am hoping that Anne will teach me how to crochet. On Saturday I will be showing another small group how to knit and from there, who knows???? I'll try posting some pictures of the groups after clearing it with them of course.

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